Maandelijks archief: mei 2021

Artiest van de fractalsectie Renderosity

Bij de kunstsite Renderosity ben ik opnieuw gekozen tot artiest van de maand mei 2021,

dat wil zeggen artiest van het jaar 2021 v.w.b. mijn fractals, foto’s en gedichten.

Interview with Dochtersions

Renderosity: You’ve been with Renderosity since 2010; what keeps you coming back to the site?

Dochtersions: Because I’m still curious about the development of, in particular, the fractal section and that of photography and 2D, I think it’s interesting to follow their art; moreover, it can be inspiring.

I don’t know if it comes because of course, I am older, but in a sense, my gratitude has grown, my thinking goes deeper, and I come to the conclusion that inspiration is a gift. It is like life that is sometimes blocked to suddenly be fully present. And I study even more the small details in nature, it can give someone a boost and new energy to discover and admire this.

I know you use Dream Generator. What about that program attracts you?

Dochtersions: About Deep Dream Generator, the program itself has become more extensive in possibilities that makes it more interesting to look for the right combination of Image and Filter. There is now Deep Style 2, with the ability to determine the Enhance itself, the resolution, the weight of the style, the scale, and whether you want the original color, or not.

Your nature photos and poetry are excellent as well. What got you into those creative projects?

Dochtersions: About my poems, I usually process things that touch me or what I am philosophizing about. It usually goes spontaneously, and it gives me answers, or I can conclude something. I worked out nasty things from my past, if I wrote it, the problem disappeared. It is often that I need to just poke fun at something, then puns and jokes are hiding in it.

What is the workflow of a typical fractal work? Where do you start and how do you know a piece is finished

Dochtersions: Mostly I make fractals to relax, I really like to play with the triangles in apophysis, or try a script. I actually do it ‘for fun’, And am curious about what certain actions produce. Sometimes I set myself a goal, for example, to create a fish, a bird, an atmosphere, something that I can place another fractal behind to combine this in PSP with each other. Always it is a challenge or experiment, but I am not always satisfied. It is often a sense of: yes, this is what I wanted to achieve, without setting a goal. I’m always curious what will arise.

I know are a strong proponent of PTSD awareness. Anything you’d like to say about it here?

Dochtersions: Unfortunately, more limitations have been added, which one attributes to PTSD. But mentally I have become much stronger, I learn to discover my own original personality as creativity, this means spiritual growth, something that I am naturally very grateful to. On the other hand, it is sometimes as balancing on a cord, always searching for the right balance, the uncertainty about making choices. Life is a learning process, I am happy that I have awareness, and that I, therefore, have fewer questions in this life.

Dank voor je belangstelling.

Categorieën: Apopohysis Fractal Art, Art video's, Artiest Video en interview, eigen foto's, Fotos, Ik deel een link, interessant, interview | Tags: , , | Een reactie plaatsen

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